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Welcome to the grade 12 precalculus math blog of St.James Collegiate....

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Transformations of Sine and Cosine Graphs

At the end of last week we looked at transformations of Sinusoidal graphs.  We looked at how the parameters A, B, C and D affect the position and shape of the graph.

Parameters A B C and D and what they do...

y = A sin f [B(x-C)] + D

A- Vertical Stretch/ Compression
B- Horizontal Stretch/Compression
C- Horizontal Translation
D- Vertical Translation

To find the period of the graph use P=2pi/B.
If B is attached to the x or theta value, you must factor it out of both terms inside the bracket.

For all you visual learners....Check out this great website applet to help you SEE how the parameters change the shape of the graph.  Enjoy.     http://www.ronblond.com/M12/sc.APPLET/index.html

We will continue with lessons on transformations of Cubic functions, Square Root functions and Rational functions.

See you Monday.  Monday's blogger will be.....

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